
Last Saturday I joined the California Art Club along the Big Sur coastline for a plein air paintout. We were expecting a cloudy morning gradually clearing, but when I arrived just before 10am, it was sunny and clear and very little wind. It was a glorious day! The surf action was amazing with huge waves crashing against the rocky cliffs, in some places almost reaching the top.

We met at one of my favorite spots along the coast near Soberanes Point. It is easily accessible and a starting point for a number of trails along the coast and inland. Large and small coves abound with plenty of scenes to paint! I have painted here many, many times in all types of weather.

When I arrived, the parking area was almost full, however I only saw a few artists painting. That soon changed as within an hour or so, there were probably 30-40 artists lined up around the bluffs.

Enjoy this short video I took of the event including both eye level and above shots of the beautiful California Big Sur coast line. Turn the volume up and go HD full screen!

I spent a few hours painting, with a few breaks to walk the bluffs and visit with fellow artist friends, take pictures, and meet new artists. I had to leave early afternoon, but before departing, did a short drone flight over the area.

Generally, paintings I do during these paintouts are not my best, as they are as much a social event as a painting event. In this case, the painting turned out well, and I consider a ‘keeper’. After just a little studio touchup, you can see the results above. “Soberanes”, 8×16, oil on panel. I might even do a larger studio piece based on this one.

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