Well, You Just Never Know…

…where your paintings might pop up.

"Kanba-no-taki" 30x20, oil on canvas
“Kanba-no-taki” 30×20, oil on canvas

My son has been living in Japan for over 5 years, working and and living in the mountainous town of Maniwa. I have visited him numerous times, and and love the Japanese countryside where he lives. I have written blog posts about my visits, some of which you can see here, and here. My most popular weblog entry of all time about a wise teacher in Japan can be seen here. I also have a series of paintings both plein air and studio you can see here.

Justin was recently approached by NHK World, Japan’s Public Broadcasting Network, to do a segment on their show J-Trip Plan. Long story short, they just broadcast the segment which you can watch here. Justin’s segment begins around the 22:00 mark–

Not to steal Justin’s thunder, but little did I know they also mentioned my painting in Japan and showed one of my paintings of Kanba waterfall. That part begins at about the 25:20 mark.

You never know where one of your paintings may pop up!

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