Hope Valley
I generally take a yearly pilgrimage to the Sierra’s to paint the fall colors, alternating between the Lee Vining area (with June Lakes, Virginia Lake, etc.) or the Hope Valley area. This year I chose Hope Valley. The season is a little late this year, primarily, I think as there has not been many cold days and freezing nights to bring the fall colors in.
I’ll just do one post of the entire trip, rather that separate day by day entries.
Monday, 10/11/10
Driving up Hwy 88, after having lunch with my nephew who had been doing contract electrical work close to Caples Lake, I headed over Carson Pass into Hope Valley. Since it was getting late in the day, I spent the time scouting out locations to paint over the next couple days. The valley was mainly green, but there was enough color in areas to make the trip worthwhile.

It was time to head to South Lake Tahoe where I had reservations at Harvey’s Resort and Casino.
Tuesday, 10/12/10
In the morning drove back the 20 miles to Hope Valley, which took twice as long as expected due to road construction, and did a painting along the West Fork of the Carson River, which runs the length of the valley. In fact, all my paintings would turn out to be along the Carson.

After driving down around Markleeville, not much color was showing there, so headed back to the same stretch of the Carson and did another painting.

Right below me in a pool, there must have been a hundred trout. There were a number of fisherman around, all catching them like crazy! Wished I would have had a fishing pole!

Wednesday, 10/13/10
Another trip through the construction down to Hope Valley. This time I painted the Carson in a more open area, however, there were no Aspen trees right in the scene, so no color to paint. I used artistic license and added a few trees in the background.

I then did a painting right by the junction of Hwy 88 & 89. As it turned out, all the paintings I did were within a mile of each other along the Carson River.

What a difference a few day’s make. By the time I left Hope Valley, much of the green was really starting to turn!

Thursday, 10/14/10
Time to head home, so I had a leisurely morning, and after checking out, drove up to the James Harold Gallery in Tahoe City and dropped a couple of the paintings off.