February 2021

Fort Ord Dunes

Ft Ord Dunes, 12x24, oil on canvas
Ft Ord Dunes, 12×24, oil on canvas

With sweeping views of Monterey Bay and 4 miles of beaches, Fort Ord Dunes is one of the newer California state parks.   The afternoon sun turns the foaming waves a bright silvery color, and illuminates the red, orange, yellow and green ice plant fields along the dunes. 

We have been walking the trails along this beautiful Marina coastline near our new home in Marina, CA recently and I just had to put it to canvas. 

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Bracebridge Morning

“Bracebridge Morning”, 22×28, oil on canvas

The Bracebridge Dinner is an extravaganza and theatrical performance in Yosemite Valley’s Ahwahnee Hotel dining room during the month of December. A tradition since 1927, for a few weeks, the grand dining room is transformed into a Renaissance scene of Bracebridge Hall patterned after Washington Irvings writings. The four hour event includes a stunning array of singers and actors who tell the story of Lord Bracebridge and people of his household. A number of the cast are from the San Francisco Opera company. All this happens during a 7 course feast. The Wall Street Journal noted in 2006: “Bracebridge is, without much doubt, the country’s, if not the world’s premier Christmas dinner.”

So what does this dinner have to do with this painting?

From the “estidyo tou pre Bay la ” is the first large painting done in my new studio.  In December 2017, as my birthday present for that year, Josie and I treated ourselves to the Bracebridge Dinner.  It had been on my bucket list for decades, however it was so popular, attendees were chosen by lottery.  Recently, however they changed to normal first come first serve reservations. It was bitter cold our entire stay in the valley and was feeling a bit under the weather, so didn’t paint, but on a morning walk in the valley came upon this scene, and have been wanting to paint it ever since.  

The scene is close to Swinging Bridge on the path to Yosemite Lodge where we were staying.  Once again, am not sure I am completely done with this painting, but will set it aside for a few weeks to see if I want to change anything.

Find out more here about the dinner…   https://www.bracebridgedinners.com

There is also a lengthy weblog entry here similar to our experience:  https://independenttravelcats.com/bracebridge-dinner-at-the-ahwahnee-christmas-tradition-yosemite-national-park/

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Tahoe Snow

Since April 2020 I have posted on Facebook a painting each day as a brief diversion from the lockdowns and other bad news this year. Neglecting my weblog, I’ll post in the coming days some of my better posts.

“Tahoe Snow”, 15×30, oil on canvas

From May, 2020 —

Summer’s almost here, but lets take one more look back at winter for today’s painting from the “Studio Can”…

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Crater Lake Overlook

Since April 2020 I have posted on Facebook a painting each day as a brief diversion from the lockdowns and other bad news this year. Neglecting my weblog, I’ll post in the coming days some of my better posts.

“Crater Lake Overlook”, 28×22, oil on canvas

From the “Studio Gaol” we go to southern Oregon, and Crater Lake. With a depth of 1,943 feet, Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States, and one of the most beautiful. Surrounded by cliffs, the lake is fed entirely by rain and snow and considered to be the cleanest and clearest large body of water in the world.

Most of my family roots are in southern Oregon, which makes this area especially special.

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Over El Capitan

Since April 2020 I have posted on Facebook a painting each day as a brief diversion from the lockdowns and other bad news this year. Neglecting my weblog, I’ll post in the coming days some of my better posts.

Over El Capitan, 48×36, oil on canvas

Ping-ponging back and forth between the mountains of Japan and California, here is today’s offering from the studio brig. Many years ago, I hiked down the 4 mile trail in Yosemite National Park. This is one scene I encountered, however changed the lighting and clouds for artistic license sake. I hope you are enjoying my daily diversions from the bad news these days.

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Ellery Lake

Since April 2020 I have posted on Facebook a painting each day as a brief diversion from the lockdowns and other bad news this year. Neglecting my weblog, I’ll post in the coming days some of my better posts.

Ellery Lake, 18×24, acrylic on board

For todays post from the “Studio Oubliette” we go to the high Sierra of California. Nestled along Hwy 120 near Tioga Pass is this beautiful alpine lake. One of my older acrylic pieces, this painting was featured in the book “How Did You Paint That?: 100 Ways to Paint Seascapes, Rivers & Lakes”… https://smile.amazon.com/How-Did-You-Paint-That/dp/1929834454/ref=sr_1_3

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On the Road to Telluride

Since April 2020 I have posted on Facebook a painting each day as a brief diversion from the lockdowns and other bad news this year. Neglecting my weblog, I’ll post in the coming days some of my better posts.

“On the Road to Telluride”, 22×28, oil on canvas

Continuing the daily diversion from the constant bad news, today’s offering from the studio ‘bridewell’ is a scene near Telluride, Colorado. The view is along Hwy 145 as you approach Telluride. This small resort/ski town has been in the virus news lately as a site where they are doing a test study of the entire population to see how many are actually exposed to covid19.

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