The rising moon was spectacular. In the pictures, it almost looks like a rising sun. I stayed until it was too dark to paint, and touched the painting up in the studio.
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I found a peacock on Peacock Court.
The rising moon over Silicon Valley.
Parked along Peacock Ct. and some nice mansions.
My easel with the almost full moon.
This ends the year long quest, but there is much more coming up! Just the painting part is over!
I have a special surprise coming in a few days, and there is much more after that, so stay tuned!
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I am releasing the final three paintings in this quest as a trio, and here is number two. “…Afternoon…” was painted late in the day and since we just went off daylight savings time, the sun sets early around 5 o’clock.
Most of you know I own and ride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Metcalf Road, as a backroads way going home, is a favorite ride. It’s a country road, and the first part, painted here, is steep and full of hairpin turns. You can see just a hint of the road on the right side. At the top of the hill, behind me, is the Metcalf Motorcycle Park for motocross dirt bikers.
Metcalf Creek empties into Coyote Creek, one I have painted multiple times in this quest. The far hills are the coastal range of California, and you can barely make out the iconic radar building at the top of Mt Unumhum.
Down below, you can see settlement ponds which is part of the Coyote Creek engineered system. You can also barely make out Hwy 101. I showed just a glimpse of Metcalf Creek at the bottom of the hill. Just to the right in the valley glare, you can barely make out the southernmost suburban area of San Jose. It seems every year, this line creeps further south as new neighborhoods are built. Just to the left in the valley, but not shown, is the Metcalf Transmission Substation which made national news awhile back with a sophisticated sniper assault.
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The basic scene I was painting. What a view and not far from my home!
Painting on Metcalf Road.
My easel as the sun was close to setting.
Packing up, a view of my easel and SUV along Metcalf Rd.
An artists note: I painted almost the entirety with a #10 filbert brush, Silver Ruby Satin brand, about 3/4 of an inch wide. Since the entire painting is in the distance and late in the day, I wanted a soft look throughout. The larger the brush you can use, the better! Also, some of the brightest parts on the hillsides are ‘take-aways’. I tone my canvas with Transparent Red Oxide, and lifting the paint reveals part of the undertoned canvas.
This is quite an expansive view, and a little hard to fit on a small 8×10 canvas. It’s on my list for a large painting later on!
Just one more painting to go, and…
I have a special surprise coming next week when the quest is over. Stay tuned!
Trees are starting their fall color in the valley, as they did when I started this quest almost a year ago. Unlike last year, though, the creeks are much drier and some which normally run year round are completely dry.
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The basic scene I wanted to paint.
My easel at the creek. The skies were turning sunny.