Rubicon View
Since April 2020 I have posted on Facebook a painting each day as a brief diversion from the lockdowns and other bad news this year. Neglecting my weblog, I’ll post in the coming days some of my better posts.
How many of you, when kids, used a rope to swing over your favorite swimming hole, creek, or lake? I stumbled upon an article about the ‘worlds biggest rope swing into water’, over Lake Tahoe. Upon watching the video, the place looked awfully familiar…I have painted there!! If not the exact spot, awfully close! It’s on the Rubicon Trail in DL Bliss Park, one of my favorite Tahoe trails. The trail winds above cliffs which plunge straight down into the deepest and bluest water of the Lake. You can see the rope swing here–…/?
Today’s offering from the “Studio Choky”, is a painting from the Rubicon Trail—-
“Rubicon View”, 28×22, oil on canvas