A Year’s Drone Journey
WOW! What a year has it been!
I purchased a DJI Mavic Pro drone about a year ago and having a blast ever since! The Mavic is a ‘prosumer’ level drone, that is, marketed to consumers but has many professional level features.
I originally hadn’t considered doing much painting from it, but can’t resist doing some. First, enjoy the very best video segments of a year droning all over the beautiful California coast, painting with art groups, the high Sierras, deep blue Lake Tahoe, spectacular Big Sur, quaint Carmel, Horse Shoe Bend AZ, Springdale (Zion), and maybe a few biker shots!
Some of my first flights was to do “The World’s First Plein Air Drone Selfie” you can read about here.
Later on, I couldn’t resist doing another painting which I took from a video frame captured above Davenport, CA. titled “176′ Above Davenport” you can read about here.
I am planning on doing more drone based paintings in 2019, so stay tuned!
Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year!