Announcing: “The Creeks and Rivers of Silicon Valley, Studio Editions”
Continuing the ”Creeks and Rivers of Silicon Valley, Studio Editions”.
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The year long quest to paint “The Creeks and Rivers of Silicon Valley” has been so well received I am going to continue it, however in a completely different direction. Over the next year, about once a month, I will do a larger studio painting of one of the plein air paintings done in the quest. The larger paintings will be different sizes, and not necessarily the same aspect ratio as the plein air. Some will be landscape orientation, and some portrait (vertical) as the painting requires. I will expand some into panoramas, and some just details of the original plein air.
The first painting in this new endeavor is FiftySeven: Sycamore Haven, and painted fairly close to the original, including the aspect ratio. Below is the original plein air followed by the studio painting, which is 16×20, or four times as big. Click on a thumbnail to open up a larger picture and slide show***

These studio works will be for sale. If you are interested, just email me privately at . I will also entertain requests for certain paintings.
Click this link for a map of all painting locations along with each painting.
Click on this link for a Pinterest catalog of all paintings so far.
***Email subscribers may not see all pictures. Just click on the title for a link to the online version.
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