May 2009

Los Gatos Plein Air Event, Part II

Today was the main event for the Los Gatos Plein Air Event. I submitted three paintings the evening before to be auctioned off today. Below are quick snapshots of the three works I completed in the last couple days–

“Just a Trickle” * 16×12 * Oil

Los Gatos Creek
“Los Gatos Creek” * 12×16 * Oil

Los Gatos California
“Hicks and Shannon” * 8×16 * Oil

After arriving at the event, I realized I had left my camera battery in the charger at home, so had to take pictures with my cellphone. Below are a few shots—

My three paintings hanging in the show–



Timothy Lundell, the emcee for the event handing out awardds–


All three paintings sold at silent auction.

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Los Gatos Plein Air Event

Been painting for the last couple days in the Los Gatos Plein Air Event. As typical in these events, the artists have 2 days to paint two or three paintings, and then the works are auctioned off. The auction is tomorrow in Old Town Los Gatos.

Although I have been painting for many years, the first plein air event I ever entered was the first/last Los Gatos Plein Air in 2004. Since I won first place in that event, my painting is the poster for this years event.

A couple shot from the last couple days–

My first painting was along Los Gatos Creek, just by the main street bridge. You would never know you were steps away from a bustling Silicon Valley suburb!


I next drove up into the Santa Cruz Mountains and did a redwood scene. I had just been at this location with the Los Gatos Art Association, like the scene so much, decided to do a larger piece for the show.


The next day I was up bright and early. I did a painting at the corner of Hicks and Shannon. This was at the edge of the city limits of Los Gatos, but again looks like you are way out in the countryside. The fog was just beginning to clear the tops of the mountains, and it was a wonderful scene! There were a number of deer around, including 4 bucks all together!


That evening, there was a reception gala for the artists at the California Cafe in Old Town Los Gatos. Just a few shots of the event–



Tomorrow is the main event where they will hand out awards and auction off the paintings.

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Summit Road

Summit Road runs at the crest and most of the length of the Santa Cruz Mountains. It is marked as California Hwy 35. Offering views of the Pacific Ocean on one side and the entire San Francisco Bay area on the other side, it is one of my favorite Harley rides, and Alice’s Restaurant is a world famous motorcycle hangout. Los Gatos Plein Air group was painting today along Summit Road, so I decided to join them. I will be in the Los Gatos Art Festival this week, so wanted to paint locally, and then drive around the area to pick out some places to paint this Thursday and Friday.

A group of 8-10 were there when I arrived–


That’s David, Maria, Patty (property owner), Rebecca, and a few others. I brought only 6×8 panels, so decided to paint the redwoods on the private property we were on. Below is a scene with my easel–


And a quick snapshot of the final painting–

Redwoods, santa cruz

It turned out rather well. I will probably return to this spot when I paint for the competition later this week.

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Carmel Art Festival Day 4

Today was the main event for the Carmel Art Festival. Judging was in the morning, a silent auction in the afternoon, awards ceremony at 5, and live auction at 6. After a leisurely brunch, I hung around the show while Josie went shopping in downtown Carmel. It was a good show. For the first time, you could bid for paintings online. All the paintings in the show can be found here.

Below is one of my paintings, followed by a few shots of my ‘panel’–

Soberanes, big sur, seascape, california

I ran into Eric Rhoads, publisher of Fine Art Connoisseur. Here is a photo of him taking a photo of Brian Blood, this years first place winner in the festival–


A live band played–


Live sculpting —


The awards ceremony–


All-in-all, it was a great show. I had been expecting slow sales, due to the economy, but paintings seemed to be selling at a brisk pace!

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Carmel Art Festival Day 3

Today was the second full day of painting for the festival, and two paintings had to be completed, framed and delivered by 8 o’clock this evening. I had two paintings from the day before, both good enough to put in the show. Today, I was going to concentrate on Point Lobos in the morning and if I got another good painting, spend the afternoon touching up and framing.

After hiking the North Trail at Point Lobos, I found my spot painting Bluefish Cove. I had painted this several times before from different vantage points and light. It was fogged in, which is what I wanted as I wanted the far rocks of the cove to appear as ghosts in the distance.

Here is the scene and my easel set up–



The painting turned out fairly well, another possibility for the show. Hiking back to the car, I ran across several other Carmel Art Festival participants, including Alfredo Tofanelli shown below–


I spent the afternoon touching up the two paintings I would enter and framing them, in time to drop off at the show. The pressure was off, so time to relax!

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Carmel Art Festival Day 2

Today was the first full day of painting for the Carmel Art Festival. During the competition, you have two days to paint and present two finished and framed paintings for auction. I headed out at the crack of dawn back to Point Soberanes, where I had been the evening before. It was a little foggy, but lifting and I was hoping to catch the light just right. Well, I did, and it was perfect! The fog was just breaking and the morning sun was spotlighting just where I wanted! Below are a couple shots of what I was painting.

I painted this spot for the first Carmel Art Festival–


This was the scene I wanted to paint this morning —



My easel set up on Point Soberanes —


After almost completing the panorama, it was time to head to a different spot. I drove around a little, and ran into Michael Bagdonas and Robert Sandidge painting the same scene by the side of the road–


My easel set up along the beautiful California coastline for another painting. The peninsula you see in the distance was where I had been painting earlier this morning–


I had completed two paintings today, with a little touchup, both keepers for the show.

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Carmel Art Festival Day 1

We drove to Carmel this afternoon to participate in the Carmel Art Festival. I am writing this several days later as I did not have good internet access while at the hotel. My wife, Josie accompanied me for the entire festival this time and it was my fourth year participating. After checking into the Portola Plaza Hotel in downtown Monterey, I was off to get my canvas stamped, and maybe paint a little.

I ended up hiking out on Point Soberanes in Garrapata State Park to start a painting I had been planning for the afternoon of tomorrow, but wanted to get a head start. It was quite windy, and everything was blowing around, including my cap right into a clump of poison oak! It was impossible to paint in the high winds as my canvas board was jumping around like a jumping bean no matter which way I moved the easel. It was starting to get late, so just packed it in for the day. Below are a couple shots of my aborted attempt.



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Out and Back In at Sandy-by-the-Sea

During my visit to Carmel today, the bad economy was certainly showing. It seemed every block had at least one or two empty spaces with “For Lease” signs. Thirty year old businesses had shut down. Those I talked to, however said business has been picking up the last month or so. Let’s hope that trend continues!

Late last year, Sandy-by-the-Sea Gallery I was showing in Carmel was closing it’s doors. So, I took a trip to Carmel to retrieve my paintings. During my visit to Carmel today, I found they were still open! They originally were going to close, but couldn’t get out of the lease, one thing led to another, so they decided to stick it out. To make a long story short, they took some of my paintings back, and I will be delivering some new works next week. Below is one of the paintings which will soon be on display–

quiet waters, mosquito lake

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Carmel Day Trip

Did a day trip down to Carmel and Big Sur today. I do this yearly about a week before the Carmel Art Festival which I will be participating in next week. Although weather conditions can quickly change, I like to get a feel for what the weather and surf will be like next week. I also like to scout out new places to paint, although I have pretty much covered the entire area many times!

After stopping in the town of Carmel (more about this later), eating lunch at Cafe Stravaganza, I headed down the coast and hiked around Point Sobrantes in Garrapata State Park, one of my favorite painting places. I just snapped pictures and found a few possibilities to paint next week. Below is one shot–


I heard the iceplant were in good bloom this year, so decided to head to Pacific Grove to paint the colors. I did one 8×10 painting in a little over an hour and about the time I finished, the fog started rolling in, so called it a day and headed home.


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Nomadas del Art Extended

Just received word the Nomadas Del Arte show at the Southwest Gallery in Dallas Texas has been extended until mid May. I have two paintings in the show, one of which is shown below. If you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, it is not too late to see the show! You can view works online in the show here.

Lake Tahoe
Tahoe Inlet * 12*16 * Oil on panel

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