Month: October 2008

Forbes Mill

Forbes Mill was built in 1854 and is listed in the National Register of Historical Places. What is left of the mill is now part of the History Museum of Los Gatos. The museum just opened a permanent display of local artists, and I was invited to join.  Paintings will be rotated about every 2 months.

I hung one painting, a miniature of a clearing storm in the California foothills.  The paintings are for sale, so if  you are in the area, be sure and stop in.  Below is my painting currently hanging.

hollister painting

Lifting Storm * 5×7 * Oil on board

Sequoia Art Group

I was invited to do a demo at the monthly meeting of the Sequoia Art Group last night.  The organization is a lively and friendly group of 25 or 30, and it was a great time.

I started the demo around 8 o’clock and painted until about 9:30.  I didn’t quite finish the painting, but will probably only take me another hour or so to complete.  The demo was a 16×20 seascape of the Big Sur coast around Garrapata State Park.  Below are a few pictures from the evening.

I had blocked in the basic composition and painted the sky in my home studio before the demo.  Starting the demo–


Here is a picture of the group during the demo–


Some of the group crowds around to watch–


Towards the end of the demo–


I’ll try to finish the painting in the next couple of days and post an image of it.  Thanks to the Sequoia Art Group for having me, and I hope they took away something from the evening!

Seasons of Martis

I just returned from the Seasons of Martis plein air event.  Rather than detail the entire trip day by day, I’ll just throw in a few pictures of my 5 day trip to the Lake Tahoe area.

After checking in on Wednesday, I headed out to the Truckee River to do a painting.  I ended up painting close to Patricia Wallis, another participant in the show–


Below is my easel by the Truckee–


Below is the completed Truckee painting.  This is just a quick snapshot and I will try to get a better photo on my website–


The next morning I headed over to Waddle Ranch.  The gate is normally locked, but they unlocked it so we artists could paint the area.  It was very windy, so I huddled right next to the car–


Below is my partially completed painting on the easel–


Friday morning I went out on Mt Watson road which had a magnificent view of the valley–


Below is a quick snapshot of the painting–


The clouds rolled in Friday afternoon, and snow was predicted for later in the day, so I retreated to the motel to do touch-ups and framing.

I ended up entering just two of the four paintings in the show, the Truckee River painting and the view from Mt Watson road.  There was a reception on Saturday night, but I forgot to bring my camera.

I had Sunday morning free, so went out and painted the lake.  It was probably my best painting of the trip, but the show didn’t allow paintings of Lake Tahoe…just Martis Valley–


Below is a shot of the show on Sunday afternoon–

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