May 2011

Above El Capitan VIII

OK, this is the last post about this painting. After I returned from the Carmel Art Festival, I realized the entire painting looked too ‘busy’, so I took out more clouds. Now there are more areas where the eye can rest. I declare it finished, but of course if it hangs around I might be tempted to touch it up here and there.

Above El Capitan

Above El Capitan VIII Read More »

Elkhorn, Carmel, Galerie Julianne, Big Sur, and Elkhorn

I traditionally make a visit to the Monterey, Carmel, and Big Sur area about a week before the Carmel Art Festival, to get fresh ideas for the competition. The Carmel Art Festival is like many plein air events in that the artist has a few days to complete a number of paintings, and then the works are shown and auctioned. I generally like to have an idea of what I may paint. Although very familiar with about every nook and cranny from Santa Cruz to Big Sur, am always looking for fresh ideas.

Took off today, and I mainly wanted to explore the Elkhorn Slough area (which I have painted a number of times before), and then move down the coast to the Big Sur area. I went via the “back way” to Elkhorn, and ended up doing a small painting of one of the tributary areas. I had great company, a flock of Great Egrets were close by. What a magnificent bird!!


Below is the spot I painted…



And the small painting, a 6×8 in about an hour…


I then drove down to Carmel and visited the new gallery showing my work, Gallerie Julianne. I had dropped some works off several months ago when they were just getting going, and now, they are in full swing. Dave, the owner, manages a beautiful space, one of the best in Carmel, in my opinion.


Driving down the coast, I had planned to do another painting, but the winds were at hurricane force, so just drove, hiked, and explored…


The late afternoon sun urged me back to Elkhorn to see how the light looked, and the Great Egrets were in the same lagoon to welcome me back.


Time to go home.

Elkhorn, Carmel, Galerie Julianne, Big Sur, and Elkhorn Read More »