Painting Seascapes in San Leandro

I was invited to paint a demo for the San Leandro Art Association last night. I do these association demos about once a year or so. San Leandro is a suburban community on the east shore of San Francisco Bay. It’s home to many corporate businesses such as JanSport, The North Face, and to all you chocolate aficionados, Ghirardelli!

San Leandro is normally about an hours drive from my house, but in late afternoon traffic, took over 90 minutes in stop and go traffic. I went a little early, so-as to get a bit of dinner before the meeting. Luke’s Grill jumped out at me as I love Greek and Mediterranean food, so tried it out. I wasn’t disappointed!

The meeting was attended by about 30 members, and went well. I had about 90 minutes to work on a 12×24 seascape, but really only had about an hour of paint time. The group was lively, fun, and full of questions. I was having so much fun, I forgot about pictures until the evening was almost over, but below are a few pictures towards the end of the session — (Note, click on each picture to view a larger version. Email subscribers may not see all pictures, and can click on the title to see online.)

Here is a photo of the painting where I left it, which is probably only a third done. I’ll try to finish it in the next few days, and post the results back here.

San Leandro Demo in progress
San Leandro Demo in progress

2 thoughts on “Painting Seascapes in San Leandro”

  1. I love your vibrant color and the way you apply them! I am a self taught artist who learns by observing other peoples paintings, and by buying books. I first saw your pictures at the wildlife refuge near Alviso. What I was wondering is how or where I can buy your book! I’m to poor to get formal training, so anything is a great help!

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