Off to Tahoe

I am off to Lake Tahoe today to participate in the Seasons of Martis Plein Air show. Although my four hour drive from San Jose to Lake Tahoe are somewhat routine, arriving and being at Lake Tahoe is never routine. Every time I come here the colors are different.

I awoke at 5:30 this morning, but didn’t leave the house until about 7:00. Arriving at South Lake Tahoe around 11:30 I delivered the Cave Rock painting to Village Art Gallery.

The painting depicts some docks, dock houses, and boats below Cave Rock. It’s a small town, and the gallery owners knew (or know of) the owners of the dock…I don’t know much more than this other than it is “Middle Eastern Oil” money.

(I have something more to great say about the great service at Tahoe Framing, but will leave that for another post.)

I then proceed to the north shore to deliver some miniatures to James Harold Galleries. Today was a high wind day, and the Lake had some colors and contrasts I hadn’t seen before. My smaller paintings have been selling well there this year, and Hal, the gallery owner handed me yet another check.

I checked into my motel, and then proceeded north over Brockway Summit towards Truckee and the Martis Valley to check out painting sites.

Truckee, California is a small railroad town in the high Sierras created by the transcontinenal railroad. It is probably more famous recently by the promptu performances by Paul McCartney in some of the local bars….how how I wish I was there. then…haha.

After driving around, and enduring the 40 mpg gusts in the Martis Valley, I settled on doing a quick study of some great turning aspens more sheltered and close to Brockway Sumit. I had been painting no more than 45 minutes when some of the other participants in the event showed up. Below are a couple shots of the day.


After awhile, the wind was gusting, the light fading, so I packed it in for the day.