January 14, 2008

5th Anniversary

Today is the fifth anniversary of my Weblog!! I started the weblog on a trip to Ouray Colorado, Tuesday January 14, 2003 when I had a one man show at the Ago Gallery there. It was the middle of winter, freezing cold…in fact so cold they were having the annual “Ouray Ice Festival” at the time. Below is a photo composite of the Dallas Divide near Ouray.

dallas divide

For the first four years, I just ‘rolled my own’ blog, not using standard weblog software. The reason at the time was I wanted it completely integrated in my web site. I switched to WordPress software in January of 2007, to get extra features such as RSS feeds, blog searching, etc. which would have been pretty hard to ‘program’ in my own website. This may lead some people to believe my blog is only a year old, but it really is five.

You can read my first weblog entry here. and the last on the old software here.

You can always get to the old log entries by following the Old Archives links in the right hand column of this page.

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