Beneath Half Dome

From April 2020, for a year, I posted on Facebook a painting each day as a brief diversion from the lockdowns and other bad news this year. Neglecting my weblog, I’ll post in the coming days some of my better posts. Some of these paintings are still available.

“Beneath Half Dome”, 30×24, acrylic on canvas

From the “ny studiokarantene” continuing a series of paintings as I learned to paint water [sic], here is another piece from my acrylic days, painted in the early 2000’s. A quite large piece, the center of interest in the painting is Half Dome in Yosemite Valley CA, with the perspective somewhat unique as the view is from practically underneath the great monolith. This also includes a fairly detailed representation of Tenaya Creek and it’s multiple layers from the creek bottom to reflected light in the ripples at the surface.

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